Infrastructure is the new word for ‘Alliances”

Public-Private Partnerships represent an innovative way for governments to work with the private sector to provide high-quality public services at the best value.We work with both governments and corporations, helping them create effective partnerships which provide value for money.

Private sector

When working with the private sector our services include:

  • Transaction Structuring:
    • Negotiating PPP terms
    • Developing financing plan and procurement process
    • Drafting the Information Memorandum
    • Reviewing credit enhancement alternatives
  • Bid Strategy
    • Analysis of business opportunities
    • Creating a consortium
    • Developing and drafting the financing plan
    • Managing letters of interest from financiers
  • Financial Close
    • Assisting in negotiations
    • Assisting with legal documentation
    • Optimizing pricing
    • Transaction closing

Public Sector

hen working with the private sector our services include:

  • Transaction Execution
    • Developing and implementing the procurement process
    • Encouraging competition among bidders
    • Drafting the EOI, RFQ and RFP documentation
    • Evaluating bids
  • Financial Analysis
    • Reference Bid
    • Public Sector Comparator
    • Value-for-money analysis
  • Transaction Structuring
    • Allocating risks and responsibilities
    • Determining desired results and performance requirements
    • Determining the length of the PPP and conditions for assignment
    • Determining the payment mechanism to private
    • Developing the financing structure
  • Financial Close
    • Assisting in negotiations
    • Assisting with legal documentation
    • Transaction closing
  • Business Case and Feasibility Analysis

IPFA holds strong industry and technical skills for delivering advice through our Zurich, Dubai and London offices.

With global population expected to reach 8 billion by 2025, infrastructure investments are needed to supply sufficient water, roads, housing and power. Among the issues facing governments are:

  • Aging infrastructure
  • Predictions of future national transportation gridlock
  • Soar1ing energy and water costs

Governments are also facing challenges in meeting their infrastructure obligations. Infrastructure projects are significant in size, scope, complexity, and in financing arrangements. They also bring increased public scrutiny and more demand for stakeholder engagement.
Governments need to find innovative ways of financing these investments. Engagement with the private sector through Public Private Partnerships (PPPs) and alternative procurement models can be effective.